Saturday, March 1, 2008

Eye for an Eye

In order to truly understand who we are as people, individuals need to look at themselves through the eyes of others. In certain cases it can bring a new reality to light. A person can, in an ideal situation, find out that they are everything that they want, but when some people choose to take the plunge, a treacherous reality awaits them. People can either become more of an effective and understanding person. Maybe a change would be in store, or just a new insight. Because all in all, insight is the key to becoming who you truly are. Someone could go their whole lives with a facade that not only halters advancement, but cuts off their ideal persona.
Maybe someone doesn't like what they see, but then, hopefully, changes can start to occur. Maybe that person realizes that they are everything that they have come to hate, or that their intentions are all but what they perceived them as. In all, maybe everyone needs to look at themselves through someone else's eyes, because in essence, thats who everyone else sees you as, not who you truly are. And that could lead to unforseen circumstances and maybe a new view on what is actually true.